Thank you to the families who came to celebrate the Parish Mass on Sunday. The children participated in many ways- altar serving, reading, welcoming, the offertory and collecting the money . All children were extremely respectful, mature and reverent. We thank them for representing Year 4 in this special way.

Endangered Animals speeches
Congratulations to all the children who presented their speeches last week. We have seen a great improvement throughout the year in the children's confidence and delivery of their work. It has been a pleasure to see the children's development. We look forward to hearing the rest of the speeches during this coming week.
Mathletics can be accessed throughout the school holidays and we encourage the children to keep up their Mathematical skills through this program.
Summer Uniform
Children may now wear their summer uniform. This is optional for the remainder of Term 3. As of Term 4, all children will wear summer uniform. Please check that all children's hats and jackets are clearly labeled with their names.
There will be no library borrowing in week 10. Don't forget to visit the local libraries and continue reading over the school holidays.
SPORT and Gardening Club
We are very fortunate at OLOR to have an excellent team of Sports specialist teachers. Year 4 have had some wonderful experiences this year through gala days, bike education, detailed health programs and gardening experiences. We hope you have seen the improved interest with the children in good health and keeping an active life. Thank you to parents and grandparents who have supported our "Jump Rope for Heart' this term.
We try to include photos of the children having active, healthy fun on our blog photo page for you to enjoy and share conversations about the experiences with your children.
Our classrooms are overflowing with the fantastic work from the Religious Literacy Assessment and creative task completed for our Geography unit on National Parks. The children's hard work will be sent home this week. As some projects are quite large, you are welcome to come before school or after school to the classrooms to pick up the children's work.
Holiday wishes..
Best wishes to Mrs Noonan as she takes a little extra leave to have a well deserved break with her family. 4B will be in having lots of fun and continue their great learning with Mrs Hogan in Mrs Noonan's absence.
What's on this week:
Wednesday- SPORT (Jump Rope for Heart Day - Year 4 children can wear a "splash of red" with their sports uniform to celebrate healthy hearts💓💓💓)
Thursday - 9:15am Parish Mass
Friday - Last day of Term 3 😃😃😃
**Please note that Term 4 starts Monday, 9th October
Happy and safe holidays to everyone - thank you for a great term of learning together.
Kylie, Donna, George and Angela