Welcome Parents and Students to another exciting year of learning.
Week 2 News (Week 1 - Staff returned)
- Thank you for sending in all the requisites for Year 4. There is a list on the Skoolbag app if you have not yet purchased these supplies.
- SPORT day for Year 4 will be WEDNESDAY
- Library day - to be confirmed
- We will be sending home all books on Thursday so that they can be covered over the weekend and returned on Monday. If books do not have a cover provided, students are free to choose their own covering.
- If you do not get a chance to cover them all in time please return them on Monday and we'll arrange another time for them to be sent home for covering.
- With a very hot week of weather predicted, the children may bring their water bottles into the classroom. Please ensure that these are labelled.
- Friday 3rd February is the Primary Swimming Carnival at Waves Pool, Baulkham Hills.
- Thank you to the families who booked in for MAI testing on Friday- we will continue these assessments throughout the coming weeks.
Have a great week, we look forward to meeting you all soon,
Mrs Donna Noonan (Mon-Thurs) and Mrs Kylie Hogan (Fri) Year 4 Blue
Mr Varrica Year 4 Gold
Mrs McNamara Year 4 White